Surface Input

Surface Input

When editing a surface, this node always appears in the Node Editor.

  • Item ID (Integer) -  The LWItemID of the intersected primitive
  • Pixel X, Y (Integer) - The location of the pixel currently being rendered
  • Frame Width, Height (Integer) - The resolution of the image set in Camera Properties
  • Ray Position (Vector) - Origin of the ray that intersected this primitive (from the Camera, Reflection, Refraction, Shadow, etc.)
  • Ray Position dX, dY (Vector) - Ray origin differentials
  • Ray Direction (Vector) - The direction of the ray that intersected this primitive (from the Camera, Reflection, Refraction, Shadow, etc.)
  • Ray Direction dX, dY (Vector) - Ray direction differentials
  • Ray Weight (Color) The accumulated weight of the ray represented as a color
  • Ray Distance (Scalar) - The distance the ray traveled before intersecting the primitive
  • Shutter Time (Scalar) - The normalized shutter time (0...1)
  • Ray type (Integer) - Camera ray, Reflection ray, Refraction ray, Dissolve ray, Shadow ray and Occlusion ray. These can be fed into the Ray Type Switch node.
  • Ray Bounce (Integer) - The number of bounces the ray has taken to reach this intersection. Starts at 1
  • World Position (Vector) - The location of the intersection in world coordinates
  • World Position dX, dY (Vector) - The partial derivative of the world coordinate position in relation to X or Y coordinate of the pixel
  • World Position dU, dV (Vector) - The partial derivative of the world coordinate position in relation to the U or V coordinate of the pixel (for objects with automatic UV maps)
  • Perturbed Normal (Vector) - The interpolated normal perturbed by bump or normal mapping
  • Smooth Normal (Vector) - The interpolated normal
  • Geometric Normal (Vector) - The un-interpolated geometric normal
  • Normal dU, dV (Vector) - The partial derivatives of the normal along U and V coordinates
  • Barycentric Coordinates  (Vector) - The masses of each vertex on a triangle
  • Object Position  (Vector) - The location of the intersection in local coordinates
  • To Local, To World (Matrix) - Transformation matrices for the intersection
  • U, V (Scalar) - The U or V coordinate for the intersection, presuming the surface has UV coordinates
  • U and V dX, dY (Scalar) - The U and V partial derivatives along pixel X and Y
  • Primitive ID (Integer) - A Primitive can have an ID assigned that is different to the Item ID
  • Surface Side (Integer) - Determines if the intersection hit the front (0) or back (1) of the surface (2 double sided back)
  • Polygon Index (Integer) - The numeric index for the polygon at the intersection
  • Mesh Element (Integer) - Outputs the element type needed for the Mesh Element Switch node