Apply Morph

This command allows you to add a specified percentage of a morph to any other morph target or to the Base object.

How do I use this tool?

Choose the morph target you would like to modify from the VMap Bar, or create a new one, and click the command. A dialog box will open.

Choose the morph you want to copy from the drop down list. The list contains all the names of all the Morph Maps used during the current session, whether or not the objects remain open, and whether or not the maps have any points assigned to them. (But you won’t get anything if you don’t choose a valid morph, of course.)

You can decide how much to blend the morph with the geometry that’s already there by entering a percentage in the Strength field.

Be aware that if you choose to apply a morph to the Base object, that displacement will appear in all the morphs associated with that base, including the one you used to change it.

You can also use this command to increase a morph by applying it to itself.