Divide Tool

The Divide command (Multiply > Subdivide > Divide) is very similar to the Add Points (Multiply > Subdivide > Add Points) command in that it will give you the ability to increase the point count on a selected polygon. The main difference between the two is that the points are automatically added in the center of the polygon’s edge when using Divide.

Sometimes you will need to add a point to a polygon and then move the point to change the shape of the polygon. You might also want to add multiple points so you can manually subdivide a polygon into smaller polygons.

The Divide command works in both Point and Polygon mode.

  • Point Mode - Divide will divide edges into two segments based on your point selection. Each pair of adjacent points you select will be treated as a selected edge to be divided. The tool will linearly search for adjacent point pairs - every possible linearly ordered pair it finds is used. This allows for the selection of adjacent edges without running the tool twice. However, it might take a little time to grow accustomed to the selection style, but it becomes natural over time.

  • Polygon Mode - the tool will divide edges between polygons. It’s a lot easier, quicker, and more straight forward this way than through point selections, but isn’t as flexible for doing multiple edges within the same poly. Additionally, the tool can divide the edge at the starting and ending polygons, provided that they are not adjacent. If they are adjacent, then a loop is formed and the shared edge between the first and last polygon will also be divided. The best way to see this is to experiment with the tool.

Configuring Divide:

To configure the Divide settings, simply choose Edit > Edit Modeler Tools and select the Divide Tab.