Metamorphic Normal

Last modified: 10 March 2025

Metamorphic Normal mode gives you the tools to influence the normal map for an object. First you need a Normal map to apply edits to and you can choose a pre-existing Normal Map or create a new one in the Normal Map drop-down. Once done, make sure you choose the map in the Surface Editor's Vertex Map drop-down.


There are several tools:

  • Comb - The default tool, allows you to comb normals in screenspace to change their angle

  • Blur - (Keyboard Modifier Shift) Reduces sharp differences betwen adjacent normals

  • Recalc - Recalc takes account of any deformation to your Metamorphic object, whereas Restore will simply put the normals back to their undeformed state

  • Restore - Brush-based undo, paint to take normals back to their inital state

  • Bake Normals - Only works with polygonal meshes (rather than subpatch) and removes the need for a Vertex Normal Map