Octane Camera: Thin Lens
The Thin Lens Camera in OctaneRender® is the typical camera type used for most rendering scenarios.

Input Parameters
Aperture - The aperture is the radius of the lens opening of the camera used in the scene, measured in centimeters. Choosing a low value will have a wide depth of field where everything is in focus. Choosing a high value will create a shallow depth of field (DOF) where objects in the foreground and background will be out of focus. If you set the Aperture to zero, you will no longer see the DOF effect. Everything is in focus.
Stereo Mode - This determines the output stereo mode (Selectable in the node by double clicking on the node).
This menu determines the output stereo mode.
Disabled: Mono images are rendered with this option.
Left: Render only the image for the left eye.
Right: Render only the image for the right eye.
Side-by-side: Renders the scene as a pair of two-dimensional images.
Anaglyphic: When active, the render will be able to be viewed with Red / Blue 3D glasses.
Over-under: The pair of two-dimensional images is placed one above the other for special viewers.
Stereo Distance - This is the distance between the left and the right eye in stereo mode, measured in meters.
Stereo Left Filter - The left and right filter colors used to create the anaglyphic stereo eeffect in the render.
Stereo Right Filter - The left and right filter colors used to create the anaglyphic stereo effect in the render.
Lens Shift - Shift value for camera in film plane (X/Y/Z).
Focal Depth - The depth of the plane in focus, measured in meters. Focal Depth is also linked to Aperture and F-Stop. So, focus will depend on the scene size and the size of the object. Also, when you are away from or near the object, all focus options are variable.
Autofocus - If enabled, the focus will be kept on the closest visible surface at the center of the image, regardless of the aperture, the aperture edge, and focal depth values. This setting is on by default. If you want to use manual focus, disable this option. To pick a focus point in Live Viewer, can press CTRL + MMB (middle mouse button) on the desired location in Live Viewer. To see depth of field, the "Aperture" option must be larger than zero. Zero will allow for infinite depth of field.
Near Clip Depth - The main purpose was for interior scenes where you want to get a good shot of the whole room, but you cannot do so without a very large FOV, because you need to keep the camera inside the room. With camera clipping (near plane), you can position the camera outside the room - lower the FOV and increase the clipping plane distance in front of you until the closest walls are clipped out. The geometry is not altered, only the clipping of the camera, which means that shadows, reflections and refractions are still affected by the clipped geometry.
Far Clip Depth - The main purpose was for interior scenes where you want to get a good shot of the whole room, but you cannot do so without a very large FOV, because you need to keep the camera inside the room. With camera clipping ( near plane), you can position the camera outside the room - lower the FOV and increase the clipping plane distance in front of you until the closest walls are clipped out. The geometry is not altered, only the clipping of the camera, which means that shadows, reflections and refractions are still affected by the clipped geometry.
Orthographic Scale - Determines the aperture size of the orthographic camera (if the option is selected)
Aperture Edge - This controls aperture-edge detection at all points within the aperture. The lower values will give more pronounced edges to out of focus objects affected by a shallow depth of field (DOF) such as objects in the foreground and background. The aperture edge modifies the bokeh effect of the depth of field. A high value increases the contrast towards the edge.
Distortion - This adjusts the spherical and cylindrical distortion. The rendered image displays the entire sphere and uses equidistant cylindrical projection, also known as lat-long projection.
Pixel Aspect Ratio - Sets the Pixel Aspect Ratio of the Thin Lens Camera
Aperture Aspect Ratio - This allows users to stretch/squash the Depth of Field disc.
Bokeh Rotation - Bokeh Rotation is used to rotate the bokeh shape
Output Paramters
Octane ThinLens Camera - This output is plugged into the Camera Input of the * Octane Render Target* node.
Node Paramaters
Double-clicking on the node opens the panel for the Thin Lens Camera.

Some additional parameters to those listed above are available when accessing the Thin Camera panel.
These include:
Perspective Correction (Toggle) - This will turn perspective correction on/off.
Bokeh roundness - Determines the roundness of the Bokeh shape (i.e a value of 1.0 will give a circular round Bokeh effect, whereas a value of 0.0 will give a polygonal effect tied to the number of the Bokeh Sides Count)
Bokeh Side Count - Determines the shape (side) count of the Camera Bokeh.
Stero Output Mode - Determines,. via a dropdown menu, the mode that the Stereo effect uses.
Orthograpohic (TOGGLE) - Turns on the Orthographic Camera effect
Scale in Meters (Vertical) (TOGGLE) - If this option is selected, the Vertical Scale for the Orthographic effect is set to meters.
To be added.