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This sub-group is for meta-object tools.

Convert Metaballs

You can convert points into plain Metaballs using the Convert Metaballs command.

Edit Metaballs

Select the Metaball you wish to edit in Polygon mode and then activate the Edit Metaballs tool (Construct > Convert > Meta > Edit Metaballs). On the numeric panel, you can adjust the Radius and Influence with the numeric panel or interactively with the handles in the viewport.

Convert Metaedges

Meta edges can be created from two-point polygons or curves. Simply select the polygon/curve and choose Construct > Convert > Meta > Convert Metaedges.

Today, it’s simpler to leave your 2-point polys as lines and use the Object Properties > Edge tab to draw them with added thickness. Convert Metaedges is present for legacy purposes.

Convert Metafaces

There is no Draw Metafaces tool. They must be created from three- or four-point polygons or curves. Just select the polygon/curve and choose Construct > Convert > Meta > Convert Metafaces.

If you save a Meta-primitive with the mesh off, you will not be able to see the surface in Layout.

Toggle Metaballs

Like Toggle Subpatches, this turn on and off the display of Metaballs. Saving an object with Metaballs turned off will result in surfacing being unavailable.