QuickBolt Nut

When the Nut option is checked a nut will be generated. Note that the nut will be generated in the next free modeler layer to that of the thread.

Nut parameters are:

  • Type - This pop-up selection list allows you to select the shape of the nut. The options are "Hex" and "Square".
  • Diameter - The diameter of the nut. This is defined here as the line drawn through the center of the nut that connects two diametrically opposite corners. A value of less than 1.5 times the Thread Major Diameter is illegal and will generate a warning message.
  • Depth - The overall depth of the nut. Depth values of zero or greater than the Thread Length are considered illegal and will generate a warning message.

Chamfer Options

If you just want to generate a nut on its own, first select the thread characteristics (using either the Presets tab or by setting them manually on the Thread tab), then disable the option to generate a thread (uncheck Thread). Make sure you have the Nut checked, and then click on the QuickBolt OK button. A single nut will be generated in the first available Modeler layer.