UV to Weight

This button allows you to create a Weight Map based on either the U or V value of a UV Map. (It does not allow you to use a grayscale map that you can color and apply the way you would apply a Texture UV Map. If that’s what you’re after, you’re looking for Textured Point).

To use it, create a UV Map that has the points arranged along either the U or V axis, the way that you would like the weights assigned.

Click on the tool to open the associated dialog.

UV Map

Choose the UV Map you have prepared from the UV Map drop down list, and type the name for the new Weight Map into the Weight Map text field (or choose it from the list, if you prefer to use an existing name. All Weight Maps used in this session will appear in the list, whether or not the object they are associated with remains open, and whether or not any points have been assigned to the map.)


Choose whether you want to use the U axis or the V axis to create the map.

If you use the U axis, all the points on the left edge of the map will receive a value of 0%, the points on the right edge will receive a value of 100%, and the points in between will have values in between, of course.

If you use the V axis, the points at the bottom are 0%, the points at the top are 100%, and those in-between are in between, of course.

Shift Value

This option adds the number entered to the 0 to 1 range. For example, if you entered a Shift Value of -1, the range would become -1 to 0, giving you a map that had weights from -100% to 0%. Entering a Shift Value of 1 would give you a range of 100% to 200%, and so on.

Scale Value

This option scales the values by the number entered. For example, if you entered a Scale Value of 200%, you would get a weight range from 0% to 200%. A Scale Value of -150% would give you a weight range of 0% to -150%, and so on.These values work together. So, for example, if you wanted a range between -100% and 100%, you would enter a Shift Value of -1, and a Scale Value of 200%.

Neither Shift nor Scale are either clipped or constrained.