
Display the list of valid options
Display product information

Unattended Mode UI

Default: none

Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs


Installation option file



Debug information level of verbosity

Default: 2

Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4


Installation mode

Default: qt

Allowed: qt win32 unattended


Debug filename



Language selection

Default: en

Allowed: sq ar es_AR az eu pt_BR bg ca hr cs da nl en et fi fr de el he hu id it ja kk ko lv lt no fa pl pt ro ru sr zh_CN sk sl es sv th zh_TW tr tk va vi cy


Installation Directory

Default: ***unknown variable platform_install_directory***/NewTek/LightWave_2019.0.0


PySide 1.2.4

Default: 1


pywin32 2.19

Default: 1


WinPDB 1.4.8

Default: 1


MySQLdb 1.2.5

Default: 1


Nose 1.3.8

Default: 1


NumPy 1.9.2

Default: 1


Expand Python Runtime

Default: 1


LightWave Scene (.lws)

Default: 1


LightWave Object (.lwo)

Default: 1


Register File Extensions

Default: 1


Would you like to configure advanced options for the Network Render Controller Service?

Default: 0


Select the NRC Service operation type

Default: task_tray

Allowed: task_tray service


Select the NRC Service account

Default: user

Allowed: user network system


Account Name*

Default: .\<username>


Account Password*



Output Destination

Default: console

Allowed: console file


Logging Level

Default: warn

Allowed: info warn error


Log file



Base fallback port

Default: 29572


Network Render Controller Service Identifier

Default: <Machine_Name> NRC Service


Setup Type

Default: Typical

Allowed: Typical Screamernet Custom

The command line sequence:

LightWave_2019.0.0_Win64_installer.exe --mode unattended --prefix <install location> --node_operation_type service --Setup Screamernet --node_account_type network --nrc_account_name "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" --nrc_account_pass unused

This code block installs LightWave silently in "Render Node" mode, and sets the NRC Service to automatically start the Windows service on boot.