Base Class Interfaces
Last modified: 10 March 2025These classes are inherited by the handler interfaces. (See Handler Interfaces)
This class is the “superclass” from which all other classes inherit. At this time, it provides no functionality beyond providing a base type for all plug-in subclasses.
class lwsdk.IPlugin(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IPlugin class
Handler Interfaces
class lwsdk.IHandlerFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IHandlerFuncs(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IPlugin
Proxy of C++ PCore::IHandlerFuncs class
This Python-only callback method may be used by the script as a boundary function to know when it is safe to acquire resources that may cause the script instance to be "locked" by the Python interpreter. Such "locking" occurs as reference counts to script elements accumulate. If any such locks exist on resources when the script is ready to terminate, the Python class destructor method (__del__()) will not be invoked, and the script instance will languish in memory, unused but consuming memory and resources. In this arrangement, the IHandlerFuncs::inst_release() becomes functionally equivalent to the __del__() destructor method, but is guaranteed to be called (whereas the destructor may not be if "locks" exist).
The "" example Python plug-in uses this method to attach to the communication channel, and it is released when the corresponding IHandlerFuncs::inst_release() method is invoked. The use of a callback (which is a required parameter to the LWComRing::ringAttach() method) causes a "lock" on the class instance within the Python interpreter. Only by calling the LWComRing::ringDetach() method in IHandlerFuncs::inst_release() callback will that particular "lock" be freed, and the script instance made available for reclamation.
inst_copy(PyObject src) → LWError
This callback is invoked when a copy of your script instance is being made by LightWave. Copy the salient elements from your script instance into the one provided.
Return None if there were no issues with the copy, or return a character string with pertinent information to indicate an error.
inst_descln() → char
The return value of this callback is a description (as a character string) of your plug-in that will be displayed to the user on the Plug-in panel. Since this callback will be used whenever that information needs to be refreshed, you may include information about active settings or states within the returned string to keep the user informed.
inst_load(LWLoadState arg0) → LWError
This callback is invoked by LightWave after your script has been activated from an in-progress scene or object load. It indicates that the load has progressed to a point where you can use the provided LWLoadState class instance to read in settings your plug-in may have previously stored using IHandlerFuncs::inst_save().
This Python-only callback method is invoked by PCore when termination of the script is imminent, but before the actual destruction of the script instance. Within this callback, you should release all "locked" resources you may have acquired in the IHandlerFuncs::inst_acquire() method.
inst_save(LWSaveState arg0) → LWError
This callback is invoked by LightWave after the presence of your script has been stored into an in-progress scene or object save. At the point the callback is activated, you may use the provided LWSaveState class instance to write your settings into the scene or object file.
class lwsdk.IInterfaceFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IInterfaceFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IInterfaceFuncs class
inter_ui() → int
When the user indicates a wish to interact with your plug-ins Graphical User Interface (GUI), this callback will be invoked. Within this callback, you should create an instance of your GUI, post it to the user to manipulate, and then update your script's operational parameters from the result, if indicated.
Several of the included Python example plug-in scripts implement this callback and provide GUIs so their data may be modified by the user.
inter_xpanel() → LWXPanelID
class lwsdk.IGizmoFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IGizmoFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IGizmoFuncs class
gizmo_adjust(LWToolEvent event, int handle) → int
Drag the given handle to a new location and return the index of the handle that should continue being dragged (often the same as the input).
gizmo_count(LWToolEvent event) → int
Returns the number of handles. If zero, then the gizmo_start() callback is used to set the initial handle point.
gizmo_dirty() → int
Returns true (1) if either the wireframe or help string need to be refreshed.
Destroy the instance. Called when the user discards the tool.
gizmo_down(LWToolEvent event) → int
Process a mouse-down event. If this function returns false (0), handle processing will be done instead of raw mouse event processing.
gizmo_draw(LWCustomObjAccess ca)
Display a wireframe representation of the tool in a 3D viewport. Typically this draws the handles.
gizmo_end(self, LWToolEvent arg0, int i) → int
gizmo_event(int code)
Process a general event: lwsdk.DROP, lwsdk.RESET or lwsdk.ACTIVATE
gizmo_handle(LWToolEvent event, int handle, LWDVector pos) → int¶
Returns the 3D location and priority of the handle, or zero if the handle is currently invalid.
Note that the third parameter, pos, is currently unused and should be ignored.
gizmo_help(LWToolEvent event) → char
Returns a text string to be displayed as a help tip for this tool. The string should have anchorage within the Python instance, or it may be consumed by Python's garbage collector.
gizmo_move(LWToolEvent event)
Process a mouse-move event. This is only called if the gizmo_down() function returned true (1).
gizmo_panel() → LWXPanelID
gizmo_start(LWToolEvent event) → int
Take an initial mouse-down position and return the index of the handle that should be dragged.
gizmo_up(LWToolEvent event)
Process a mouse-up event. This is only called if the gizmo_down() function returned true (1).
class lwsdk.IItemFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IItemFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IItemFuncs class
item_changeID(LWItemID arg0)
Object's in a LightWave scene all have unique "object identifiers" (or "object ids") associated with them. If it ever happens that a scene object has its identifier altered (as may be the case in, for example, a load-from-scene situation), this callback will be invoked with a sequence of LWItemID pairs, with the first id of each pair representing the "before" value, and the second, the "after" value.
item_useItems() → LWItemID
When called, LightWave is querying the plug-in for information about the objects in which it takes an active interest. A sequence containing one or more LWItemID values should be returned, or None if this is not applicable.
class lwsdk.IRenderFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IRenderFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IRenderFuncs class
Called after the last frame of a rendering session is completed.
rend_init(int arg0) → LWError
This is a boundary callback that lets the plug-in know that a rendering operation is about to begin. This is called before the first frame of a rendering session is begun. arg0 will be either lwsdk.LWINIT_PREVIEW or lwsdk.LWINIT_RENDER. Returns a string containing an error message if an error occurs, otherwise returns None.
rend_newTime(LWFrame arg0, LWTime arg1) → LWError
Called at the start of a new sampling pass. This may be called more than once for the same frame but for slightly different times. Returns an error message string, or None.
class lwsdk.ILayoutToolFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.ILayoutToolFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::ILayoutToolFuncs class
tool_adjust(LWToolEvent event, int handle) → int
Drag the given handle to a new location and return the index of the handle that should continue being dragged (often the same as the input).
tool_count(LWToolEvent event) → int
Returns the number of handles. If zero, then the gizmo_start() callback is used to set the initial handle point.
tool_dirty() → int¶
Returns true (1) if either the wireframe or help string need to be refreshed.
Destroy the instance. Called when the user discards the tool.
tool_down(LWToolEvent event) → int
Process a mouse-down event. If this function returns false (0), handle processing will be done instead of raw mouse event processing.
tool_draw(LWCustomObjAccess ca)
Display a wireframe representation of the tool in a 3D viewport. Typically this draws the handles.
tool_end(self, LWToolEvent arg0, int i) → int
tool_event(int code)
Process a general event: lwsdk.DROP, lwsdk.RESET or lwsdk.ACTIVATE
tool_handle(LWToolEvent event, int handle, LWDVector pos) → int
Returns the 3D location and priority of the handle, or zero if the handle is currently invalid.
Note that the third parameter, pos, is currently unused and should be ignored.
tool_help(LWToolEvent event) → char
Returns a text string to be displayed as a help tip for this tool. The string should have anchorage within the Python instance, or it may be consumed by Python's garbage collector.
tool_move(LWToolEvent event)
Process a mouse-move event. This is only called if the gizmo_down() function returned true (1).
tool_panel() → LWXPanelID
tool_start(LWToolEvent event) → int
Take an initial mouse-down position and return the index of the handle that should be dragged.
tool_up(LWToolEvent event)
Process a mouse-up event. This is only called if the gizmo_down() function returned true (1).
Factory Interfaces
For the most part, Factories are mechanisms that serve their purpose without the need for your direct usage of them. Creating instances of them, and providing them in your ServerRecord is sufficient.
However, you may subclass a Factory Interface to implement your own special functionality (as long as you retain the base functionality of the interface). The “” example Python plug-in actually performs such a subclassing of its Factory Interface to provide some additional functionality. Please refer to that script for more details.
Factory Interfaces are documented here only for completeness.
class lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs(self)
class lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs(self)
Bases: object
Proxy of C++ PCore::IFactoryFuncs class
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.ICommandSequenceFactory(self)
class lwsdk.ICommandSequenceFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::ICommandSequenceFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IGenericFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IGenericFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IGenericFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IImageLoaderFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IImageLoaderFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IImageLoaderFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IImageSaverFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IImageSaverFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IImageSaverFactory class
create(PyObject context, LWImageSaverLocal imagesaver_local) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IEnvironmentFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IEnvironmentFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IEnvironmentFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IShaderFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IShaderFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IShaderFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IObjReplacementFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IObjReplacementFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IObjReplacementFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IDisplacementFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IDisplacementFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IDisplacementFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IInstancerFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IInstancerFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IInstancerFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.ILayoutToolFactory(self)
class lwsdk.ILayoutToolFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::ILayoutToolFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.INodeFactory(self)
class lwsdk.INodeFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::INodeFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IChannelFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IChannelFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IChannelFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IItemMotionFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IItemMotionFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IItemMotionFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IMasterFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IMasterFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IMasterFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IFrameBufferFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IFrameBufferFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IFrameBufferFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.ICustomObjFactory(self)
class lwsdk.ICustomObjFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::ICustomObjFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char
class lwsdk.IImageFilterFactory(self)
class lwsdk.IImageFilterFactory(self)
Bases: lwsdk.IFactoryFuncs
Proxy of C++ PCore::IImageFilterFactory class
create(PyObject context) → PyObject
destroy(PyObject arg0)
name() → char