
Bevel Tool

Last modified: 18 March 2025

(default keyboard shortcut B)

The Bevel tool (Multiply > Extend > Bevel) is likely one of the most commonly used Modeling functions. Basically, it takes a polygon and extrudes it away from the original along the surface normal. It is similar to using the Extrude tool, but there will be no polygon at the position of the original polygon. When applied to multiple polygons, each polygon receives its own bevel - even on a double-sided polygon.

Steps for Beveling a Polygon:

  1. Select the polygon(s) you would like to Bevel.


  2. Left-click and drag to create a bevel.


Dragging your pointer after activating the tool lets you graphically place the bevel. Deactivating Bevel or selecting another tool makes the bevel. Click on an open area of the interface to cancel the bevel before it is made or use Undo.

Dragging up/down lets you interactively change the Shift amount, the distance that the selected polygon will move along its surface normal. On the numeric panel, positive values make the bevel move in the same direction as the normal. Negative values make it move in the opposite direction.Dragging left/right lets you interactively change the Inset amount, the distance that the edges of the polygon will move in the same plane as the polygon. On the numeric panel, positive values move inward and negative values move outward.

Drag at an angle to simultaneously change Shift and Inset. Hold the Ctrl key to constrain to Shift or Inset, depending on which direction you drag initially.

If you select polygon(s), the top polygon will remain selected so you can perform bevel operations one after another. Click your RMB to accept the current bevel and begin a new bevel operation. You can also press the B key twice to make and start a new bevel. You can also bevel multiple polygons simultaneously!
