Extra Buffers
This page is a part of continuing efforts to make the LightWave documentation complete. If a link takes you back to the main page, it leads to a page that hasn't yet been created. Let us know if you find one!
For most of the extra buffers listed here, there are two additional buffers available, labeled as Rho and Weight, introduced in LightWave 2019. The Rho buffers include the surface's color and any fresnel effects. Weight contains the value of the surface shader setting in this buffer as a percentage of its contribution to the render. A surface that was 100 % dielectric or metallic would have 0 diffuse weight because the diffuse component of the surface makes no contribution to the final render.
The Rho buffer is the BXDF reflection or transmission function that is being evaluated for each microfacet sample. They are intended for heavy compositing work and used to extract, for instance, the color from a specular buffer; by dividing the Rho by the specular direct and indirect to get the raw untinted reflection value.