Modeler Plugins
ChangePolyDir | Change Poly Direction (video)
ContourCurve | Create Contour Curve (video)
polyCleanUp | Polygon Cleanup
QuadCojoin | Collapse cojoined Quads (video)
SubDHard | Change SubD Weight to Hard
SubDHarden | Harden SubD Weights
SubDSoft | Change SubD Weight to Soft
SubDSoften | Soften SubD Weights
SubDiv2PtPolys | Subdivide 2pt Polygons
subDivCurve | Subdivide Curves
WeldAvgClean | Weld Average & clean junk geometry
WeldClean | Weld & clean junk geometry
MeasureCircle | Measure Circle
MergePntsClean | Merge Points & Clean Junk Geometry
IdPolySurface | Identify Polygon Surface
RotateNormals | Rotate Normals
RotateToAxis | Rotate To Axis
SetPosition | Set the position of Object
ConvSelTo2ptPolys | Convert Selection to 2pt Polygons (video)
ReCenterObjToAvgPntSel | Recenter Object to average Point Selection
FFXStyleToGeometry | Convert FFX Style to Geometry (video)
GeometryToFFXStyle | Convert Geometry to FFX Style (video)
SmoothInternal | Takes the polygon selection, and smooths the points within its outline points
Layer Panel Pro | Replacement Layer browser (video)
CopyLayerAndName | Copy Layer & Name
CopyLayersToNewObject | Copy Layers to new Object
CreateLayerFromSelection | Create Layer From Selection
CutLayerAndName | Cut Layer and Name
PasteLayerAndName | Paste Layer & Name
SaveLayersAsLWO | Save Layers as individual LWOs (video)
SelFgLyrRange | Select Foreground Layer Range (video)
SelBgLyrRange | Select Background Layer Range (video)
BatchFormatConversion | Batch Format Conversion (video)
ModSurfaceRenamer | Rename Surface (video)
ConsolidateSurfaces | Consolidate Surfaces (video)
CreateSurfaceFromLayer | Create Surface from Layer (video)
CreateSurfaceFromLayerAndColor | Create Surface from Layer & Color
ModExtractSurfPolys | Extract Surface Polygons
ModSurfaceToWeightMap | Convert Surface to Weightmap
RandomizePolyMaterials | Randomize Polygon Materials
RandomizeSurfaceBaseColors | Randomize Surface Base Colors (video)
RemoveSelectedSurface | Remove Selected Surface (video)
StoreMaterial | Store Material
RestoreMaterial | Restore Material
StoreMaterialSlot | Store Material Slot
RestoreMaterialSlot | Restore Material Slot
StripNonAscii | Strip non-ascii Characters from Surfaces
SurfaceNamesByColor | Change the Surface Name to its Color
SurfacePush | Surface Push (video)
SurfPolyDeSelect | Surface Polygon Deselect (video)
SurfPolySelect | Surface Polygon Select (video)
PolySurfaceCopy | Takes a polygon's surface, duplicates the surface and renames it
SelectionMirror | Mirror your selection (not the geometry, but selection)
StoreEdgeSelection | Stores Edge Selections (video)
ReStoreEdgeSelection | Restore Edge Selection (video)
SelByConnectedNormal | Select connected polygons with same Normal
SelectHardEdges | Select hard Edges
SelectPointByWeight | Select Point by Weight
SelectPointInPoly | Select Point in Polygon
SelectWithObjectVolume | Select any points that fall within the volume in the background
CreateUV | Create UV
CopyUV | Copy UV
PasteUV | Paste UV
ApplyUVsFromObj | Apply UVs from Object
UDIMConvert | Convert UDIM between Tiles and Layersets (video)
UDIMMoveDown | Move UDIM tile down (video)
UDIMMoveLeft | Move UDIM tile left (video)
UDIMMoveRight | Move UDIM tile right (video)
UDIMMoveUp | Move UDIM tile up (video)
UDIMUVMover | Move UDIM tile to specific ID (video)
UVQuadRandomize | Randomize Quad UVs (video)
UVStraighten | Straighten UVs (video)
ModCreatePolyUVGrid | Create Polygon UV Grid
ConvertToDisconUVs | Convert to Discontinuous UVs (video)
SendToRizomUV | Send Object to RizomUV (video, video)
GetFromRizomUV | Get UV from RizomUV (video, video)
RizomUVAuto | Automatic UV Unwrap via RizomUV (video, video)
RizomUVExportUVAsPS | Save UVLayout to File via RizomUV (video, video)
SendToUVLayout | Send Object to UVLayout
GetFromUVLayout | Get UV from UVLayout
GetFromUVLayoutAndQuit | Get UV from UVLayout & Quit
TransferMaps | Transfer Vertex Maps
BakeToVtxNormalMap | Bake Vertex to Normal Map
CreateVertexNormalGroup | Create Vertex Normal Group (video and video)
DisplayPolyNormal | Display Polygon Normal
VertexColor2Weight | Convert Vertex Color to Weight
Weight2VertexColor | Convert Weight to Vertex Color
ZeroWeightPoints | Show Non-weighted Points and select them
ImportObjWithNormals | Import Object with Normals
CheckForBg | Check for Background Geometry
CheckForFg | Check for Foreground Geometry
ModelerSnapTool | Modeler Snap Tool
PolygonStatistics | Polygon Statistics
PolygonStatisticsB | Polygon Statistics
RevertLWO | Revert LWO
SaveIncremental | Save Incremental (video)
SelectNthDialog | Select Nth with Dialog
SimpleRenamer | Simple Renamer (video)
SnapModeler | Snap Modeler
ToggleVmap | Toggle VMap (video)
UserInterfaceColor | User Interface Color
CreateCustomObjectOutput | Create Custom Object Output (video)
modObjectDeconstruct | Object Deconstruct
PolyVertexOrder | Show Polygon Vertex Order (video)
ModoImageIO | Modo Image IO
CustomUndo | Custom Undo (video)
ObjectDeconstruct | Object Deconstruct (video)
ModLoad | Load
ModSave | Save Model
ModLoadFilename | Load Filename