LightWave 2024.1.0 Fixes and Improvements
Build 3430 - 11/Sep/24
New Features
The following new features have been added:
Motion Dump & Motion Scoop
Add frame range to RHiggit Motion Copy ADV
Added Configuration saver to LD_InstanceDisplay
Added Octane DOF node with the ability to use LightWave's own F-Stop.
The following fixes have been made in LightWave 2024.1.0:
General Mac stability fixes through work on Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
Turbulence FD (TFD) demo scenes updated to include notes and guidance on use.
Procedural Geometry
Fix for from mesh geo node only showing the first mesh of layered objects.
Remove captureGeo for incoming meshes and reevaluate it. as its caused some crashes.
Add Duplicate Object Warning and rename requester when adding multiple progeo objects with the same name. Add localization.
Octane Render for LightWave
Bump height default to 0.001 as LW user sees it, but 0.1x of value as Octane sees it.
Texture Displacement node update. Some pins were not properly hooked up to Octane. Texture filtering now works as it should with both Box and Gaussian filtering.
XPanels E-button support for the default context menu. i.e. All envelope 'E' buttons now behave as per the rest of the application.
Octane: LW user sees 1.0 when Octane sees 0.0002. New bump height default is now .002.
Fixed an issue with the Glossy material.
Fixed an issue with Camera Mapping Node not reading the selected Camera flag correctly.
Octane: camera mapping node had duplicate code from a previous commit
Node Editor
Flow: update scene item list when drop down is presented. This should fix most of the setup issues that users have been reporting.
Turbulence FD Presets fix
Picked/Light Color Space not updated in render - Picked/Light Color being stuck at Linear was a path issue. So in certain places it was looking in the wrong place for the color space name, and would fail safely with linear. This has been fixed.
Region info for non-visible regions is null. Put in null checks to avoid crashing. Added an invisible control enabling value show enabling and disabling the controls when they are and aren't valid to be adjustable.
The Region options suffered from the safe null problem, the same checks have been added. But the controls are currently still enabled when they aren't relevant (this is still left to tackle).
Fix for SceneLoad_Bug "the object has instance generators on it that have no objects to instance."
Prevent expressions from having to react to scene item name changes that are the same name.
Fix for wandering VDBs
Fix case sensitivity for alembic .abc, .mdd. xml
'2GB+' internal limit removed. Primarily affects Bullet sims
Fix button names to shorter
Modeler Workspace Color Defaults
Default Unit resetting (Modeler)
Modeler Region/Backdrop fixes
Fixed l10n missing "." & Fix path & file name recall (PasteSelectionFromClipboard)
Double Click Deselect was stuck on. This also affected the Fine Detail Cursor.
Grid Snap Fine and Fixed are backwards in the code compared to the UI popup index. So 2 and 3 are now swapped when feeding the value to the grid system.
Modeler Display Color Space - OpenGL looks at the color spaces before they've loaded. So now further into the start, and after the pref data has loaded, the Display's color space setting is sent a change notification to get OGL in sync.
Crash on Modeler Backdrop Preferences.
Added merging when using point slide.
Fixed some bugs with point slide on RMB. Handles update properly now.
Fixed Edge Slide numeric not going below zero.
Slide Tools:
Fixed point slide stopper and direction selection.
Edge and point slide fixes.
Fixed max distance edge slide issue.
Fixes to distance UI element.
Fixes to edge sliding, subdivision surfaces don't crash, and edge chains are now correctly generated.
Fixed 'slide to infinity' on open edges.
Fixed cluster crash with Edge Slide, also fixed edge selection disappearing.
Fixed Edge slide - Merge edges- slide edge to merge point, then right-click mouse CRASH and Edge slice.
Fixed Open Edge crash when using percent and mini slider.
Edge slide on open edge doesn't crash. UI update works as expected.
Fixed crash on RMB with edge slide.
Point slide now uses the UI to define specific distances.
Helper Tools:
Motion Scoop
Fixed l10n Protools
New RHiggit copy/paste motions tools.
Menu work - adding new copy&paste tools
Fixed typo in save settings (Copy selection to Modeler)
OBJ Preferences reworked slightly.
LW ProTools
Protools missing l10n
Model presets libCopy&Paste Motions & added new preset for Kit Surfacer
Metallic not being assigned for MegaScans Surfacer.
Kit Surfacer update (Added hard-coded presets that get written to the config folder just in case user uses the -c to set a custom config)
Error when adding Lum image (Surface to T nodes : Added extra pipe into Luma as surface had no value to use.)
l10n fix to Set Position
L-System: presets support install-scope and user-scope folders
Select RHiggit rig
Select control rig for RHiggit
Pose copy paste
Motion copy/paste fixes
Fix error for first run.
OBJ import scaling fixed.
OBJ Option Issues
OpenVDB invokes the huge object nag only once.
Python Horizon script was overloading the PCore console output Qt control