
Last modified: 18 March 2025

Metaballs is one of three Meta-primitives in LightWave. Meta-primitives are similar to HyperVoxels except that they are polygon-based, and their surface and interaction is more apparent and viewable in Modeler. In fact, Meta-primitives are a good place to start before you set up with HyperVoxels, because of their real-time feedback. All Meta-primitives will interact with each other if they are in the same layer, even though they are different types..

To draw a Metaball object:

  1. Activate the Draw Metaballs tool. (Create > Polygons > More > Metaballs)

  2. Click in a Modeler viewport. Use any Rendering Style other than Wireframe and you will see the metaball


  3. You can move the metaball by dragging its center handle. You can change its size by dragging the sizing handle that looks like an orbiting circle.

    If you click anywhere else, another Metaball will be created.

  4. If you move or increase a metaball so that its surface approaches the surface of another, they will adhere to each other, like the stuff in a lava lamp.


  5. Drop the Draw Metaballs tool (i.e., reselect it or press the space bar).