New AFC Hair shader for FiberFX
This page is a part of continuing efforts to make the LightWave documentation complete

AFC stands for Artist-Friendly Controls. AFC Hair, like other hair materials, is also a dielectric material. The specular settings are divided into two sections. Primary is concerned with reflections of the front side of the stroke. The secondary specular is for the reflection bounced off the backside of the stroke, through what's called the cortex color inside the hair cylinder.
The AFC Hair material is designed for Stroke-based Fiber FX hair
Highlight Color - The color for the highlight for the stroke facing the camera
Highlight Intensity - How strong the highlight is
Highlight Width - For how far along the hair the highlight shows
Highlight Shift - The distance along the hair for the highlight
Secondary Highlight Color-The color for the highlight for the stroke facing away from the camera
Secondary Highlight Intensity - How strong the highlight is
Secondary Highlight Width - How far along the hair the highlight shows
Secondary Highlight Shift - The distance along the hair for the highlight
Transmission Color - The color that transmits through the hair by reflection
Transmission Intensity - How much the Transmission Color affects the hair's visible color
Transmission Width - How far long the hair the transmission occurs
Transmission Shift - How the transmission slides along the hair
Transmission Azimuth Width - The distance "around" the hair transmission occurs
Glint Color - The color of the tertiary highlight
Glint Intensity - How intense the glint is
Glint Width - How far along the hair the glint occurs
Contributed by Shabazzy