Octane Gaussian Spectrum Texture

Last modified: 10 March 2025

The color usage in OctaneRender® is spectrum-based, using the wavelength of visible light. All RGB inputs that you use in other areas are converted to a specific wavelength of a given RGB color. RGB values themselves are just an approximation of an actual, true color — color is light, after all — therefore, the most precise definition of a given color is its own actual light wavelength. RGB is not a precise method to calculate color and can actually fail when used for bright emission. For this reason, the Gaussian spectrum node is recommended instead.

The Gauss Spectrum texture is based on a Gaussian distribution spectrum. WaveLength sets the center of the spectrum, and Width sets the curve's width. Power sets the brightness of the color.

The narrower the width, the more pure and saturated the color.

The image below shows Gauss Spectrum node connected to a Material's Diffuse input.
