Octane RidgedFractal Texture
Last modified: 10 March 2025The Ridged Fractal node produces a fractal pattern in grayscale format.
Octane Ridged Fractal Texture Node

Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ): Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
Power: Controls the overall brightness of the texture.
Offset: Controls the values of the fractal pattern.
Lacunarity: Controls the size of the gaps in the fractal pattern.
Octane Ridged Fractal Attributes

- Attributes
Power: Controls the overall brightness of the texture.
Offset: Controls the values of the fractal pattern.
Octaves: Controls the amount of detail in the texture.
Lacunarity: Controls the size of the gaps in the fractal pattern.
Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ): Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
The Ridged Fractal node, similar to the Checks Node, has no color associated with it, so the Gradient 2 node is used to provide colour input as shown below.
The Gradient 2 node is used to provide colour. The Key Color inputs/parameters are used to set the Ridged Fractal colors.