Octane Standard Material

Last modified: 10 March 2025

NEW: LightWave 2024 introduces a new Octane Standard Material.

The Standard Surface material closely aligns with the Autodesk Standard Surface shader specification. Much like the Octane Universal Material, the Standard Surface material is an uber surface shader with multiple layers of BSDF(s). It can address nearly all surface characteristics in one unified material.

OctaneRender® has three types of mediums to create translucent surfaces:

  • Absorption Medium - Produces the appearance of a material that absorbs light while passing through a surface. The resulting color depends on the distance that light travels through the material. For more information, see the Texture Overview topic in this manual.

  • Scattering Medium - Similar to the Absorption medium, but with an additional option for simulating subsurface scattering. Subsurface scattering is the phenomena that gives human skin and similar organic surfaces their characteristic glow under certain lighting conditions. It's a major component for creating the look of realistic skin. For more information, see the Texture Overview topic in this manual.

  • Volume Medium - Adds color and other qualities to a VDB file. VDBs are a generic volume format for creating effects such as smoke, fog, vapor, and similar gaseous objects. VDBs can consist of a single frame, or an animated sequence. 3D software packages like LightWave and Houdini generate and export VDBs. You can also download VDB files at http://www.openvdb.org/download/.