Octane Texture Image
Last modified: 10 March 2025Texture Image Node
In Octane Render each object can have up to three (3) UV sets. You have the UV Set option in the Texture Image node to select the UV map that will be used by this texture. Currently, the LightWave UV map names are not available for this node, so you only can see 1, 2 or 3 as map names These correspond to the first three (3) VMAPs in the LW Modeler VMAP panel}.
Texture Image Node Inputs/Outputs

The Texture Image Node has a number of inputs:
Power: Controls the image brightness. Lower values cause the image to appear darker on the surface.
Gamma: Controls the input image's luminance, and it can tune the image or color-correct the image.
UV Set: Dropdown to choose the UVMap to use (the first three VMAPS are available)
Translate U: Move the UV Map in U coordinate space
Translate V: Move the UV Map in V coordinate space
Rotate UV: Rotate the selected UVMap
Scale U: Scale the texture along the U axis of the UV Map
Scale V: Scale the texture along the V axis of the UV Map
Projection: Accepts a Projection node. If nothing is connected to this input, the Image texture uses the surface's UV texture coordinates by default. For more information, see the Projections section in this manual.
Procedural: Allows you to use a LW Procedural as an Input to the Texture Image node
Baking Texture: Allows you to use an Octane Procedural texture as an input to the Image Node (for Baking)
Texture Image Node Attributes

- Node Type
There are four (4) options in the dropdown in the Octane Texture Image node.
Color Image: An image texture is used for the parameter (mesh must be UV mapped prior to export to properly use the Image type). The image is interpreted as being full color even if it is a gray scale image, and therefore taking up more GPU memory.
Float Image: The image is interpreted as a gray scale image even if it is a full color image, thus saving GPU RAM. The Invert checkbox can be used to invert the image (useful for bump and opacity maps.)
Alpha Image: An alpha image uses the images native Alpha Channel to provide transparency. This type will only accept PNG and TIF image types.
Tiled Image: The Tiled Image Node Type is used to support the use of UDIMs with Octane Renderer for LW. The number of UDIM tiles MUST be set manually using the 'U Max Tiles' and 'V Max Tiles' attributes within the Texture Image Attributes panel.
LW Image: Pick the image to be used as a texture from the dropdown of loaded images.
Load Image: Load the image selected to be used as a texture
Texture From File: Select a Texture from disk.
Power: Controls the image brightness. Lower values cause the image to appear darker on the surface.
Gamma: Controls the input image's luminance, and it can tune the image or color-correct the image.
Invert: Inverts the image, which is useful for Bump and Opacity maps.
Linear Space Invert: Inverts the image after conversion to linear color space.
Border Mode: Sets the behavior of the space around the image if it doesn't cover the entire geometry. Wrap Around is the default behavior, which repeats the image in the areas outside the image's coverage. If you set this parameter to White Color or Black Color, the area outside the image turns to white or black, respectively.
UV Set: Dropdown to choose the UVMap to use (the first three VMAPS are available)
U Translate: Move the UV Map in U coordinate space
V Translate: Move the UV Map in V coordinate space
UV Rotation: Rotate the selected UVMap
U Scale: Scale the texture along the U axis of the UV Map
V Scale: Scale the texture along the V axis of the UV Map