Rectangularize Grid

Last modified: 18 March 2025

new to 2019

Rectangularize Grid straightens UVs. Specifically, it squares up distorted UV maps making them easier to use with images. To take a simple example, using the Toroid tool in Modeler will create a great donut shape, but if you want to create a good texture map to get across the sprinkles and frosting while you can create maps using planar mapping and fudge the joins it is better to have the accuracy of a UV map. Until now though, a toroid created in Modeler with a UV map generated using the ABF Unwrap tool looks like this:


Hitting Rectangularize Grid will result in this:


And judicious use of the Move and Stretch tools will give you this:


Finally, speedy use of an art package and some clip art will give this result:

Mmm donuts...