This page is a part of continuing efforts to make the LightWave documentation complete. If a link takes you back to the main page, it leads to a page that hasn't yet been created. Let us know if you find one!

Skin, as the name implies, is a single node for creating a skin-like material with subsurface scattering, The image above shows the LightWave logo with an additional bright Spherical light behind it.

The Skin node contains the following Inputs:
Specular Weight (Scalar) - Determines how intense the Specular Color is
Specular Color (Color) - Colors the specular component of the skin
Specular Roughness (Scalar) - The roughness of the surface
Specular Fresnel (Scalar) - The specular amount at parallel angles
Sheen Weight (Scalar) - Determines how intense the Sheen Color is
Sheen Color (Color) - Colors the sheen component of the skin
Sheen Roughness (Scalar) - The roughness of the sheen
Sheen Fresnel (Scalar) - The specular amount of sheen at parallel angles
Epidermis Weight (Scalar) - Determines the visibility of the outer layer of the skin shader
Epidermis Color (Color) - Specifies the color used for the outer layer of skin
Epidermis Distance (Scalar) - How far light is absorbed into a surface
Dermis Weight (Scalar) - Determines the visibility of the second layer of the skin shader
Dermis Color (Color) - Specifies the color used for the second layer of the skin shader
Dermis Distance (Scalar) - How far light is absorbed into this second layer
Hypodermis Weight (Scalar) - Determines the visibility of the inner layer of the skin shader
Hypodermis Color (Color) - Specifies the color used for the third layer of the skin shader
Hypodermis Distance (Scalar) - How far light is absorbed into this third layer
Normal (Vector) - Uses a normal map for skin displacement
Bump (Vector) - Uses a bump map for skin displacement with the Bump Height field to determine the quantity
Bump Height (Scalar) - Amount to displace the Bump input
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Contributed by Richard Feeney