Statistics Panel
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(Default Keyboard Shortcut: W)
Modeler's Statistics window is essential for good modeling. In the three modes - Points, Edges, Polygons - it shows a variety of vital information. In each category there is a + and a - at the left for selecting or deselecting items in that category. As an example it is possible to select all polygons belonging to a specific surface that are quads ( four-point polygons), but not any with a Sketch Color of Magenta.
Total - The total number of points visible. This includes other foreground layers
0 Polygons - How many points are attached to no polygons
1/2/3/4 Polygons - How many points are attached to 1/2/3 and 4 polygons
More than >4 Polygons - How many points are attached to more than four polygons
(none) - This dropdown actually shows Selection Sets. A specific set can be chosen the list
Total - The total number of edges visible. This includes other foreground layers
1 Polygons - The number of edges that are only attached to a single polygon
2 Polygons - The number of edges attached to two polygons (the most common case)
More Than >2 Polygons - Edges attached to more than two polygons, quite rare
Total - The total number of polygons visible. This includes other foreground layers
Faces - Faces are normal polygons
Curves - The number of curves visible
Subpatches - Polygons converted to subdivision surfaces
CC Patches - Polygons converted to Catmull-Clark patches
Skelegons - The number of 2-point polygons converted to Modeler skelegons
Metaballs - Single-point Polygons converted to metaballs
1 Vertex - Single vertex polygons
2 Vertices - Polygons with only two vertices. These and 1 point polys are important to have in the Statistics panel since almost always they should be removed
3 Vertices - Triangular polygons
4 Vertices - Polygons with four sides, also called quads
More Than >4 Vertices - Polygons with more than four sides (and hence points)
Non-Planar - Polygons that are not flat within the Flatness Limit set in General Options
Surf: (none) - This dropdown list presents all surfaces present in the visible geometry
Part: (none) - This dropdown list presents any Parts that have been assigned to polygons
Col: (none) - This dropdown list presents the different Sketch Colors assigned to polygons to enable choosing that way
Contributed by Richard Feeney