Using LightWave Gradients with Octane

Last modified: 10 March 2025

In Octane Render 2024, you can use LightWave gradients as an input to the Octane Texture Image node, which is then piped to the Octane Gradient in order to use LW gradients with Octane.

The image below shows a LightWave Gradient being used within Octane and rendered to the IPR window.


In order to set this up, you will need to replicate the node setup below. The Gradient Node must be plugged into the ' Procedural' input pin of the Octane Texture Image node.


If your object has no UV Map, you will need to use the Projection node to input a UV map into the Texture Image node.


If you want, you can also set Key Colors in the Octane Gradient nodes which will be added to the Colors of the LightWave Gradient, producing some interesting effects as shown below.
