Using the Interactive Preview Render Window

Last modified: 18 March 2025

While rendering, the IPR Render View shows valuable information, including the following:

  • Live render information about the current frame: number of samples, the time it takes to render out the IPR image of the frame, and the rate that the samples are processed for that frame.

  • Information about the GPUs: number of GPUs available and the GPU memory status [used/available/total].

  • Polygon count and statistics about the scene geometry.

  • Number and type of textures used by the scene.

  • Networked GPUs used for rendering.

Octane for LightWave has its own rendering preview window that shows current rendering information and rendered image while Octane is rendering an image or an animation sequence (F9/F10 rendering). The preview window shows some information about the current rendering, the rendering progress and the render passes rendering status.

If your system has more than one GPU, the preview window also shows a switch for every GPU that allows it to be enabled or disabled the rendering in each processor. While rendering with all GPUs enabled, the system may be very slow, but with this switch, the user can disable the display GPU to make something and later enable it again without stopping rendering.

Zoom and pan inside the main rendering preview window while rendering large images. The Zoom button is available in the preview rendering window to enable the zoom and pan (only visible if the image is large, and the preview window has a zoom factor > 1).

Also, there is a button in the preview window to save the current image while rendering with F9/F10 without stop rendering.


Model courtesy of Howie Day.

The Octane IPR Window has a number of buttons which are grouped together.

  • Reload: Reload the scene into Octane

  • Pause: Pause Octane rendering in the IPR Window

  • Redraw: Redraw the render from the buffer

  • Reset: Reset the IPR (this will re-initiate the render in the IPR Window).

These can be selectively applied by toggling the buttons underneath:

  • Sel Only: Apply the function above to the selected scene items only.

  • Full Upd: Forces the Octane IPR to fully update all items in the scene (not just objects).

  • No Upd: Filters out the selected to not Update when one of the update scene buttons is used.

  • Mat Upd: Updates the materials only.

  • Fix Asp: Ensures the aspect ratio of the IPR Window stays identical even if the window is drawn out.

  • Region: The Render Region Function. It is also possible to define a render region at render time over the main rendering preview window. To enable the render region at render time, the preview window has a new button “Region”. To set the render region, you can use CTRL+Click to drag the rectangle region over the available image.

The next block of buttons allows you to store, clone, save, etc the preview in the IPR window. The buttons are described below.

  • Store: Allows you to store the image in the IPR window. The dropdown to the right alows you to select which IPR image you wish to view.

  • Clone: Clones the current IPR view as shown below.

  • Save: Allows the saving of the image within the IPR window.

  • Alpha: This allows you to view the Alpha of the generated image in the IPR window.

  • Half Res: allows you to have the image generated at half-resolution within the IPR window to shorten render times in especially heavy scenes.

  • Sh. Ball: Toggles the Shader Ball for the selected material in the Surface Editor.

  • HDRLs: Changes the Linear colorspace to HDR Linear sRGB.

  • Stats: Gives the scene statistics as shown below.


The next block of commands deal with the camera/view and any image layers or AoVs

  • SceneFocus/Autofocus/Disable DoF: This dropdown allows you to select Depth of Field is applied. i.e. from the Scene (using the DoF tool), Autofocus or disabled.

  • Camera: This drop down allows you to select a Camera, Perspective or Target view for rendering in the IPR window.

  • Close: This will close the IPR window

  • Beauty: Allows for previewing the Octane AOVs in the IPR window.

  • Layers: This dropdown allows the selection of which Render layer you want to view in the IPR window

  • Clay:: Allows you to select which global material override (either disabled, gray or clay) is used.