
Vertex Map Panel

Last modified: 10 March 2025

(default keyboard shortcut F8)

You can display a non-modal window listing all Vertex Maps in the current object, grouped by type, by choosing **Windows ** > Vertex Maps Panel.


In 2019.1, a filter field was added at the top of the panel to allow name filtering and even Regex use for tracking down a specific vertex map.

Right-clicking on a map will display a pop-up menu where you can select various maintenance operations. This menu is also available for the VMap selected in the list using the pop-up menu button (down arrowhead) in the upper-right corner. All operations can be applied to multiple vertex maps. Much like LightWave working exclusively with points or edges or polygons in Modeler, or Objects or Lights or Camera in Layout, you cannot delete multiple VMaps of different types at the same time, but deleting multiple UV maps, or Vertex Color maps or Weight maps is now possible.


The pop-up menu also has options to show all Vertex Maps or to only show those that are in use in the current object, the default.