Layout Save Menu


Save Scene...

(default keyboard shortcut S)

Saves the currently-loaded scene file.

Saving the scene does not save the scene's objects. Any changes to Surfacing will not be saved with a Save Scene, only with an Object Save. Using Save All will perform a Save Scene followed by a Save All Objects.

Save Scene As...

(default keyboard shortcut Ctrl S)

Saves the currently-loaded scene with a new filename.

Save Scene Copy...

Saves the scene under a new name.

Save Scene Increment

(default keyboard shortcut Shift S)

Saves a version of the scene file. There is no requester and the scene filename is incremented with each increment - the first save will be scene_v001, then scene_v002 and so on.

Save Scene as Default

Saves the current scene as the default scene Layout will open with when started. If the Clear Scene to Default option is chosen in Preferences, this scene will be loaded.

Save All

(default keyboard shortcut Alt S)

Runs Save Scene and Save All Objects.

Save Current Object...

Saves the object selected in Layout.

Save Object Copy...

Saves the selected object with a new name.

Save Object Increment

Saves the selected object with an incremented name - object.lwo becomes object_v001.lwo and so on.

Save All Objects

Saves all scene objects.

Save Trans Object

Saves the currently selected object in its deformed state - if an object has changed in shape because of Stretching/Scaling or using dynamics, etc. using Save Trans Object will save the object in that form. The new object is also saved relative to the origin.

Save Endomorph...

You can save the current “mix” of your morphs back into the endomorph by choosing File > Save >Save Endomorph. The morph will appear on a new “Miscellaneous” tab on MorphMixer. (Note that you may need to remove and then re-add MorphMixer.) Don’t forget to save your object if you want to keep the new morph.

Save Current Light...

This will save a scene file containing the currently selected light and its properties.

Save Motion File...

Saves the current item's motion path as a file.

Package Scene


Opens a submenu with:

  • Export COLLADA - Exports the scene as a DAE file.
  • Export FBX - Saves the current scene and objects, with their animation, in FBX format.

    The FBX and Collada exporters do not export information associated with plug-ins, including plug-ins shipped with LightWave. In addition, image maps will get passed into the FBX only for Standard or Principled BSDF materials with images in a UV-mapped Color T slot or Image node. The Image Sampler node does not work for export.

  • Export Alembic - Saves the current scene and objects, with their animation, in Alembic format.
  • MD Multi-Baker - Saves multiple MDD files.
  • Save 4.0/5.6/6.0/9.2/9.5 Scene... - Saves the scene in a format that can be understood by older versions of LightWave. Of course, items introduced in later versions will not be available, so exporting a v2018 scene with Instancing and Flocking will not contain those features if saved as a LightWave v 6.0 scene. A scene saved from 2015 is a 9.5 scene.
  • Save LW2015 Object... - Saves the selected object in LWO2 format for use with previous versions of LightWave.
  • Export STL -Exports the currently selected object in STL format.
  • Export PLY - Exports the currently selected object in PLY format.
  • Export Scene as VRML97 - Exports the current scene in VRML97 format (mainly for color 3D printing).
  • Image List -This command will save a text file that contains a list of every image used in a scene and its location.


    LightWave Image List
    6769194: LW_Box_Front.tga E:\images\Endo_Sliders\LW_Box_Front.tga
    6769195: LW_Box_Back.tga E:\images\Endo_Sliders\LW_Box_Back.tga
    6769196: LW_Box_SideL.tga E:\images\Endo_Sliders\LW_Box_SideL.tga
    6769197: LW_Box_SideR.tga E:\images\Endo_Sliders\LW_Box_SideR.tga

Clear Scene

Clear Scene - (File > Clear Scene) will remove all data from Layout and return Layout to its default setup. All unsaved data will be lost.

Load Commands

The important difference between loading an object directly versus loading from a scene lies in what is stored in an object file versus what is stored in a scene file. The object file contains only the object geometry and surface settings - what the object looks like in its most basic state. There is no movement information in an object file.

Movement information is saved in the scene file. However, this is not only movement in the normal sense, like moving an object from point A to point B, but also includes movement of the points in their positional relationship to each other.

Moving points can change the shape of an object, sometimes dramatically. However, generally, the number of points and polygons, as well as their relationship, remains the same.

Understanding object and scene files is fundamental to understanding LightWave.