PLY Import/Export Format

PLY is Stanford University’s evolution of the STL format and doesn’t specifically require triangles. It can keep also additional data about an object, such as Vertex Normal maps, UV maps and Vertex Color maps.


When you bring in a PLY file through the file requester or using drag and drop you will be presented with this Options window:

It is essentially the same as its STL counterpart only now you can choose to import the UVs, Vertex Colors and Vertex Normals with the object if you wish.


As for STL with the Up Axis and Export Units, but Normals, Vertex Colors and UV Coordinates are only available if your object has them. For the File Type, if you choose Binary you have the option of Big or Little Endian encoding. Since most processors on the market today use Little Endian encoding you will probably be safest using it for your exports.