
Band Saw Pro Tool

Last modified: 18 March 2025

Band Saw Pro (Multiply > Subdivide > Band Saw Pro) will slice through a contiguous band of four-point polygons (or patches). While the images below use a simple sphere, Band Saw Pro is capable of navigating a more complex object.

To use the Band Saw Pro tool, be sure you are in Polygon selection mode, then just click on an edge to select two polygons in the “band” that you wish to divide and activate the Band Saw Pro tool (Multiply > Subdivide > Band Saw Pro). The tool will select the band of polygons going either direction from the first two selected, and will indicate the slice(s). The selection band and the slice(s) will continue all the way around until the operation returns to the point of origin or encounters a non-four-point polygon. The tool’s Default setting is for a single a single slice right in the center. The Numeric panel options can be used to create multiple slices, with a variety of controls, and these can be saved as custom presets.

You can Bandsaw polygons on multiple layers at once and the cuts will be made on the same layer(s) as the original polygons.


Selecting polygons for a horizontal band. When activated, Band Saw Pro selects rest of band and indicates the slice.


When Bandsawing vertically, note that Band Saw Pro’s operation stops when it encounters a non-four-point polygon.