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The Cel Integrator is an advanced way of cel shading that replaces previous shading models like BESM, SuperCel and others.The cel integrator's two gradients complement surface settings for color and specular. The choice is up to the user whether to use the integrator's gradients to overwrite
The gradients have three different levels of zoom.
At the smallest level - The gradient can be viewed
At the intermediate level - keys can be moved, added and removed
At the biggest level - All the above, plus the Curve style can be chosen
Double-click - Adds add new key
Shift Double-click - Removes key
LMB Drag - Move key
Once you have created keys, you can select multiple by dragging the LMB over several at which point selected keys become green.

Selecting multiple keys also affects the choices from the dropdown options menu.

Choices are as follows:
Select All - Selects all keys in the gradient
Deselect - Deselects all selected keys
Lock - Locks selected keys so they cannot be moved. Locked keys have a red tick under the gradient instead of the usual yellow
Unlock - Unlocks selected Locked keys
Fit - Fits selected keys to the extents of the gradient window
Fit Reset - Restores the default Fit condition
Distribute - Spreads selected keys over the width of the gradient window with equal spacing
Reverse - Reverses the positions of selected keys. If none or one are selected nothing happens
Flip - Does the same but changing key position.

Erase - Deletes the selected key(s)
Zoom In - Zooms the gradient window in 25% to a narrower view
Zoom Out - Zooms the gradient window out 25% to a wider view
Copy - Copies the entire gradient to a LightWave clipboard
Paste - Pastes the entire gradient
Alt LMB - rolls gradient left and right
With Selection:
Ctrl LMB - Zooms gradient
Shift LMB - With vertical movement adjusts selected values
I/Shift-I - Makes selected keys inactive and active again
L/Shift-L - Locks and unlocks keys
Shift-A - deselects all keys
Cursor Left/Right - Selects previous next key in gradient. If multiple keys were selected before Left/Right only a single key is still selected after
Without Selection:
A - Select all keys in gradient
Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Zooms gradient
Contributed by Richard Feeney