
Create Skelegons

Last modified: 18 March 2025

One way to create a bone hierarchy is to use LightWave’s Skelegon feature in Modeler. Skelegons are a polygon type that can be added to your object in Modeler; they look like bones. You can create a complete skeletal structure out of polygons, hence the name Skelegons. Skelegons set up only placeholders for the bones. When you load an object with Skelegons into Layout, the Skelegons must first be converted to bones before you can use them for skeletal deformation.


There are several advantages to this system. First, you can use existing points in a character to create the Skelegons, if you wish, or you can draw your own Skelegons manually. Having this function as a Modeling tool makes the creation process much easier, as building a skeleton is inherently a Modeling task. Since the Skelegons are considered polygons, you can use any of the Modeling tools to create and modify the skeleton.

Another benefit is that the Skelegons are saved in the object file itself. This means that you no longer need to create a separate scene file to hold bone positions.One of the most beneficial features of this system is that when you modify the shape of the model, the bone structure can be modified at the same time, so you do not need to make secondary modifications to that skeleton.

Imagine that you build a character and spend a lot of time creating the bone structure. The client then decides he/she would rather have the character with shorter legs and really long arms.

Typically, the Modeling changes would be simple but recreating the skeletal system would be an arduous task at best. With Skelegons, the process becomes one simple step which only involves modifying the geometry.

With Skelegons, a series of base skeletons can also be stored and used as templates. The rubber band editing style of the Skelegons makes it very simple to modify an existing skeleton to fit all types of characters.