
Layers Panel

Last modified: 18 March 2025

(default keyboard shortcut F7)

You can also use the Layers Browser window (Layers > Layers Panel) to do the following:

  • Access more than ten layers at a time

  • Set foreground/background state, even between objects

  • Navigate between objects

  • Name layers

  • Set layer visibility flag

  • Parent object layers

Layers panel has a pop-up menu that lets you switch between List and Hierarchy views.


The List view lists the layers. In the Hierarchy view, the layers of an object are shown in their parental relationship, and that can be altered by dragging and dropping layers. Layers cannot be moved between objects and all children at the same level are shown in numeric order.When in Hierarchy view, the layer list shows layers with nothing in them leftmost in the list, and lists two more than are currently being used. This makes it match list mode behavior more closely.

The Alt+no. (1 through 0) keyboard shortcut will place a layer into the background. Note that if only one layer is active, it cannot be placed into the background.


All of the currently loaded objects will be listed. Click on the white triangle to expand or contract the layer listing for a particular object. Layers in the foreground will have a checkmark in the corresponding F column. Clicking in the F column for a different layer will place that layer by itself in the foreground. To add to the current selection, hold the Shift key as you click. The B column works similarly on background layers.

The Visibility flag can be toggled on/off for each layer by clicking in the column. A layer is invisible to Layout when the (Visibility flag) dot does not appear. You may want to use this on scratch layers and cutting objects used for booleans. This setting has no effect on Modeler.

Double-click on a layer name (unnamed by default) or choose Layers > Layers > Layer Settings to bring up the dialog to set the layer name and parent.

new to 2019

The Layers panel has received various updates in 2019.1, including making the List or Hierarchy choice more permanent between sessions, and making the rename window resizable.