The LWOctane Object Properties plugin is a custom object plugin to store current and future octane features at object level.
You will need to add this Custom Object in order to Octane Render to exchange properties (such as Vertex Maps (Color and Weight) with LightWave
This plugin stores the options to support the Pixar Open Subdivs and Polygonal hair rendering features.
There is also a Properties Attribute Panel with a number of different render options:
Lightpass Mask
Open Subdivision Surfaces
Subdivision Level - Sets the subdivision Level for Open Subdivision Surfaces for the mesh.
Subdivision Sharpness - Sets the sharpness of edges for the OpenSubDivs.
Boundary Interpolation - Set the interpolation method.
Subdivision Scheme - Allows a choice with Catmull-Clark and Supbatch subdivision methods.
Enable Poly Hair - Enables the rendering of Polygonal Hair by Octane.
Hair Root Thickness - Determines the Hair Root Thickness in mm.
Hair Tip Thickness - Sets the HAir Tip thickness in mm.
Hair Gradient Interpolation - Sets the interpolation of gradients along a hair strand either via length, or a key per segment.
Disable Materials Override. The objects with this option enabled are not overridden with the selected material in the override options.
Update Materials. Used when the render target Update Materials in Enabled Objects is enabled, to update only the materials of the objects with this option enabled.
Seq. Random FiberFX UVs. If enabled, the UV map of the base object in the FiberFX hair is not used, and the hair UVs are sequentially random.