Using Octane Render for LightWave
Last modified: 10 March 2025After successfully installing, setting the plugin into LightWave and authenticating its keys, enable the plugin to use OctaneRender in the current scene by clicking the “ Enable Plugin” button. The user need not enable the plugin again after having loaded a scene with the plugin enabled.
Octane Menu

An Octane scene can be rendered using the LightWave render frame or render sequence options (F9/F10 keys) or using the interactive IPR window.
Octane has its own color space functions and tone mapping. To work with Octane user must always disable the LightWave color space (set all values to Linear).
Octane Render Menu

The Octane Render menu has a number of options as follows:
About Octane
Enable Plugin
Plugin Options

Since OctaneRender™ is a GPU based render engine, it is important to be able to keep track of the GPU(s) installed in the system. This can be accomplished using the GPUs tab in the main Plugin Options panel.
From the GPUs tab, users can enable or disable the GPUs used as default for main rendering or for the IPR. These settings are stored in the plugin preferences file.
Users may also enable or disable the priority settings for each GPU. If the same GPU is being used for both the rendering processe and the display, this means there will be a tradeoff in terms of the responsiveness and performance of the display. It will be useful to enable the priority settings for the GPU to get a better display performance especially while setting up a scene prior to the final rendering.
Render priority
Use this options to set the render priority to be used in the selected GPUs cards while rendering with the IPR or with the main (F9/F10) rendering. If you are rendering with the same GPU used for display, can be useful set the priority for this GPU to medium or low to get better display performance.
Enable all GPUs for F9/F10 rendering
The GPU tab also includes an option to enable all the available GPUs for final rendering (F9/F10) without change the current GPUs configuration.
More Options
Out of Core
Out-of-core textures allow users to use more textures than would fit in the graphic memory, by keeping them in the host memory. The data for rendering the scene needs to be sent to the GPU while rendering so some tradeoff in the rendering speed is expected. If out-of-core textures are not used, however, the rendering speed is not affected.
Out-of-core textures also come with another restriction: They must be stored in non-swappable memory which is limited. So when the host memory is used up for out-of-core textures, bad things will happen since the system can not make room for other processes. Since out-of-core memory is shared between GPUs, users also can not turn devices on or off while using out-of-core textures.
Users can enable and configure the out-of-core memory system via the Out-of-Core options tab.
For net render slaves, users can specify the out-of-core memory options during the installation of the daemon.

Depth of Field Helper
Turn off Autofocus in camera

Now go to Octane Tools in the Octane Render Target Node Editor and choose Octane DOF Range

Hook the nodes two outputs to their corresponding inputs on the Camera node. A null is created called Octane_Focal_Target. Its scale is related to the Aperture size and its position determines the focal point.