Octane Diffuse Material

Diffuse materials have the following parameters to adjust:
Diffuse MAterioal Node Input/Outputs
- Diffuse: The Diffuse value gives the material it's color.
Transmission - The Trahnsmission value gives the colour of the material as light passes through it.
Roughness: Control the diffuse roughness of the surface.
Medium - Allows the medium to be set from the output of a Medium node. There are two types of medium nodes, absorption and scattering.
Opacity: Opacity sets the transparency of the material. Set the data type to alphaimage (if the image has an alpha channel) or floatimage (for black/white images) to load an image to set the transparency (use the Invert checkbox if necessary to adjust whether black or white regions are considered transparent.
Bump - The Bump channel can load images to control the amount of bump mapping. The Bump channel should be set to floatimage to load a bump map.
Bump Height - Defines the height of the bump map.
Normal: The Normal channel. The Normal channel should be set to the image data type to load a full color normal map.
Displacement: The displacement mapping allows the height of points on a surface to be adjusted based on an image value to give objects depth and detail. The displacement is a pin in the material nodes that needs to be connected to a displacement node. A displacement texture can be specified the in the displacement node, as well as the amount of displacement (in meters), the offset (in meters) and the level of detail (i.e. the maximum resolution of the resampled displacement map). Image textures are supported and of RGBA images the red channel is used as height map.
Round Edges: Artists will have the ability to easily and efficiently round the sharp edges of geometric objects without modifying and reloading the geometry. The process is done during rendering by special shader algorithms that recalculate normals near the sharp edges and corners to make them appear smooth allowing for the tuning of edge sharpness in real-time throughout rendering.
Emission: The Emission setting controls whether the material acts as a light source.
LightWave Material: Allows a lightWave material to be used as an input
Diffuse Material Parameters