Octane Glossy Material
Last modified: 10 March 2025
There is currently a bug with the GLossy Material Node. This can be worked around by plugging an RGB node into the Specular input pin. This has been fixed for the next release.
Glossy materials have these parameters to adjust:
- Parameters
Diffuse: This value gives the material its color.
Specularity: The value determines the amount of specularity on the mesh.
Roughness: The roughness determines the amount of reflection that will be present. A low roughness value will create blurry reflections and a high value will produce a mirror like reflection.
Bump / Normal: Both the Bump and Normal channels can load images to control the amount of bump mapping and normal mapping (respectively.) The Bump channel should be set to floatimage to load a bump map. The Normal channel should be set to the image data type to load a full color normal map.
Film Width: This controls the thickness of an optical, Thin Film on the material. This is useful in creating rainbow or oil slick effects.
Film Index: This controls the Index of Refraction of the Thin Film.
Opacity: Opacity sets the transparency of the material. Set the data type to alphaimage(if the image has an alpha channel) or floatimage(for black/white images) to load an image to set the transparency (use the Invert checkbox if necessary to adjust whether black or white regions are considered transparent.
Normal Smoothing: Normal Smoothing is a Boolean value that sets whether to smooth the normals of all meshes sharing that material. When off, the materials can be faceted and polygonal.
Index of Refraction (IOR): Index of refraction sets the fresnel effect applied on the glossy material. Setting a value smaller than 1.0 will disable the fresnel effect, so the glossy color will be the color in the glossy input pin, regardless of viewing angle. When selecting a value of 1.0 or bigger, the glossy reflection color will be modulated according to the fresnel law: at grazing angles the color will be the color set in the glossy input pin, at perpendicular angles it will be darker. Fresnel reflection produced becomes stronger as the index of refraction is set higher. If you have a measured index of refraction, set the glossy color to 1.0.
Displacement: The displacement mapping allows the height of points on a surface to be adjusted based on an image value to give objects depth and detail. The displacement is a pin in the material nodes that needs to be connected to a displacement node. A displacement texture can be specified the in the displacement node, as well as the amount of displacement (in meters), the offset (in meters) and the level of detail (i.e. the maximum resolution of the resampled displacement map). Image textures are supported and of RGBA images the red channel is used as height map.
Edges Rounding: Artists will have the ability to easily and efficiently round the sharp edges of geometric objects without modifying and reloading the geometry. The process is done during rendering by special shader algorithms that recalculate normals near the sharp edges and corners to make them appear smooth allowing for the tuning of edge sharpness in real-time throughout rendering.
Material Layer: Connects any of the Octane Render® Material layers, which provides greater flexibility for mixing and blending multiple surface characteristics.
LightWave Material: Connects any of the LightWave Materials to allow the use of native LightWave Materials within Octane Render®.