Octane Marble Texture
Last modified: 10 March 2025The Marble texture is a Procedural texture that can create marble-like noise (figure 1). It is similar to a Turbulence texture, but more fine-tuned to create marble-like patterns.

Octane Marble Texture Node

The Octane Marble Texture Node has a number of inputs:
Translation/Rotation/Scale: Allows thee UVMap controlling the Marble texture to be moved, rotated and scaled.
Power: A multiplier which controls the overall brightness of the texture.
Offset: Sets the position of the texture in 3D space.
Omega: Controls the detail in the underlying fractal pattern.
Variance: Randomizes the marble pattern.
Projection: Allows a UV Projection (using the Projection Node) to be utilised.
Octane Marble Texture Attributes
The Octane Marble Texture node has a number of attributes that can be accessed and set within the Node Interface by double-clicking on the node.

- Attributes
Power - Controls the texture's overall brightness.
Offset - Controls the position of Marble noise details.
Octaves - Adjusts the scale of detail in the noise.
Omega - Adjusts the noise detail's sharpness.
Variance - Controls the detail variation in the Marble texture.
Scale - Accepts an Octane Transform node, which can change the noise's position and scale.
Projection - Accepts an Octane Projection node, which determines how the noise maps to the surface. If left blank, the object's UV texture coordinates determine the mapping (Translation, Rotation and Scale).

The Marble node, similar to the Checks Node, has no color associated with it, so the Gradient 2 node is used to provide colour input as shown below.
The Gradient 2 node is used to provide colour. The Key Color inputs/parameters are used to set the Marble colors.