Octane Turbulence Texture

The Turbulence texture generates a procedural noise texture that has a different quality than the Noise texture.
Octane Turbulence Node

- Node Input/Output Pins
Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ): Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
Power: A multiplier which controls the overall brightness of the texture.
Offset: Shifts the Turbulence pattern in 3D space.
Omega: Controls the detail in the underlying fractal pattern.
Projection: Sets the way the texture is projected onto the surface, as explained in this section.
Octane Turbulence Attributes

- Attributes
Power: A multiplier which controls the overall brightness of the texture.
Offset: Shifts the Turbulence pattern in 3D space.
Octaves: Sets the scale of the detail in the noise.
Omega: Controls the detail in the underlying fractal pattern.
Use Turbulence (Toggle): Toggles on the turbulent noise calculation which is multiplied against procedural noise.
Invert (Toggle): Inverts the values of the noise texture.
Gamma: Adjusts the luminance values of the noise texture.
Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ) Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
Projection: Sets the way the texture is projected onto the surface, as explained in this section.

The Turbulence node, similar to the Checks Node, has no color associated with it, so the Gradient 2 Node is used to provide colour input as shown below.
The Gradient 2 node is used to provide colour. The Key Color inputs/parameters are used to set the Turbulence colors.