Octane UVW TransformTexture
Last modified: 10 March 2025The UVW Transform texture takes an Input texture and applies a map to transform the input texture’s UV layout on top of the input texture’s own UV coordinate transformation.
UVW Transform Node

- Input/Output Pins
Texture: The input texture from an Octane Texture Image Node
Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ): Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
Octane UVW Transform Texture: This out gives the transformed texture output that can be plugged into a material node.
The UVW Transform texture works in conjunction with other mapping textures like the Triplanar Map texture, Mix texture, Cosine Mix texture, or the logical texture maps (Comparison) or arithmetic texture maps (Add, Subtract, Multiply).
UVW Transform Node Attributes

Rotation Order: Allows you to set the Rotation Order for calculation.
Translation (XYZ): Sets the position of the texture on the surface in an XYZ direction.
Rotation (HPB): Sets the rotation of the texture on the surface using Heading, Pitch and Bank.
Scale (XYZ): Sets the scale of the texture on the surface by percentage in the XYZ direction.
The figure below shows the usage of the UVW Transform Texture Node.