
Preset Shelf

Last modified: 10 March 2025

The Preset Shelf is a resizable floating window that holds a list of previews along with all of the associated settings in Modeler and Layout. It can be used for settings with surfaces, volumetric lights, HyperVoxels, Bullet Dynamics, Flocking, Navigation devices and more. It is accessed using the Presets button (Windows > Presets) or from some plugin panels. You add to the shelf by double-clicking on the preview, if one exists on the panel (e.g., Surface Editor), or by using the Save Preset button found on panels supporting Presets. The shelf survives from session to session.


The window is context sensitive, so if you are working on surfaces, surface presets are displayed, if you are working on HyperVoxels, those presets are shown, and so on. If you have no windows that accommodate Presets, the Presets Shelf will still open, but will appear to be empty. Each editor has a default library named Workspace - a library is a grouping of presets for a particular editor.