
Text Tool

Last modified: 18 March 2025

(default keyboard shortcut Shift W)

The Text tool (Create > Text > Text) lets you interactively create type objects using any font available to your operating system including PostScript, TrueType and OpenType formats. Once you create them, these objects can be bevelled, extruded, drilled, and more.


When you first click in a viewport after selecting the Text tool (Create > Text > Text), the text insertion pointer appears. You can just start typing to create the Text template.

The Text Insertion Pointer

You can use the Backspace or Delete keys to clear the last character typed. To clear the entire text line, press Shift + Backspace or Shift + Delete. If you need to use a Modeler keyboard shortcut, like the N key, while using the Text tool, first press the ESC key to exit the Text tool, then press the desired shortcut key.