Extra Buffers

These are buffers which shading system elements, such as the Material nodes and Shading Models, provide.
Most buffers are available here in direct and indirect versions. The "direct" buffers contain data from direct illumination of the surface, meaning the light that came directly from a light source. As opposed to the indirect buffers which contain data from the indirect illumination, that being light that got to the surface via an indirect route such as light that has bounced off another object via radiosity. Some buffers only become available when the materials pertaining to them are used.

Carpaint, Skin and Principled BSDF have several entries in the Extra Buffer list below

New to 2019

For most of the extra buffers listed here, there are two additional buffers available, labeled as Rho and Weight. Rho contains a shaded visual showing the percentage of the buffer's effect in the render. For example, a specular_rho buffer would provide the amount of reflection occurring based on the way in which reflection changes with glancing angles, fall off and so forth. Weight contains the value of the surface shader setting in this buffer. In our example, a surface of an object with a constant 50% value for specularity would appear as a 50% grey values across the entire object in the buffer. If a texture drove the specular value, we would see the texture values instead.

They are intended for heavy compositing work and used to extract, for instance, the color from a specular buffer; by dividing the Rho by the specular direct and indirect to get the raw untinted reflection value.


Clearcoat Direct

Provided by the Carpaint material node, is the contribution of its Clearcoat element from direct illumination

Clearcoat Indirect
Provided by the Carpaint material node, is the contribution of its Clearcoat element from indirect illumination

Clearcoat Rho


Clearcoat Weight


Dermis Direct
Available when the Skin node is used

Dermis Indirect
Available when the Skin node is used

Diffuse Direct
Provided by many material nodes, is the diffuse shading from direct illumination

Diffuse Indirect
Provided by many material nodes, is the diffuse shading from indirect illumination

Diffuse Rho


Diffuse Weight


Epidermis Direct
Available when the Skin node is used

Epidermis Indirect
Available when the Skin node is used

The diffuse color of objects with no other component

Fog is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Hypodermis Direct
Available when the Skin node is used

Hypodermis Indirect
Available when the Skin node is used

Legacy Volumetric
Shows legacy HyperVoxels separately

The left image shows a final render with a surface HyperVoxel cloud, the second image shows the Legacy Volumetric buffer

Only shows elements that have luminosity

The Diffuse color without additional surface components.

Only shows pure reflection. If PBSDF has zero roughness on reflection, it shows in the reflection buffer (as a scalar represented by changes to the alpha, whereas Standard appears as a color)

The dragon (PBSDF) is visible in this buffer in Image Viewer using the mouse to show the changing alpha, but not in a PNG. The ball is surfaced with Standard

Only shows elements that have a refractive component.

For this buffer we changed the dragon to use the Dielectric material

Refraction Rho


Refraction Weight


SSS Direct
Provided by nodes with a SubSurface Scattering component, is the Subsurface Scattering contribution from direct illumination

SSS Indirect
Provided by nodes with a SubSurface Scattering component, is the Subsurface Scattering contribution from indirect illumination.

The green glow in this buffer is caused by the luminosity in the edges shown in the final render at the top of the list

Indicates scene shadows

Sheen Direct

Provided by nodes with a Sheen component, is the Sheen contribution from direct illumination

Sheen is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Sheen Indirect
Provided by nodes with a Sheen component, is the Sheen contribution from indirect illumination

Sheen is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Sheen Rho


Sheen Weight


Specular Direct
Provided by many material nodes, is the Specular contribution from direct illumination

Specular Indirect
Provided by many material nodes, is the Specular contribution from indirect illumination

Specular Rho


Specular Weight


Translucency Direct
Provided by Standard, is the Translucency contribution from direct illumination

Translucency is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Translucency Indirect
Provided by Standard, is the Translucency contribution from indirect illumination

Translucency is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Translucency Rho


Translucency Weight


Volumetric Direct
Provided by the Volumetric system, is the volumetric's contribution from direct illumination

Volumetric Direct is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Volumetric Emission
Provided by the Volumetric system, is the volumetric's emission of light into the scene

Volumetric Emission is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer
Volumetric Indirect
Provided by the Volumetric system, is the volumetric's contribution from indirect illumination

Volumetric Indirect is visible in the Alpha component of the image in Image Viewer

Volumetric Light


Volumetric Transmittance
