Top Tool Bar

These menus/buttons are always available, no matter which of the Tabs (Create, Modify, Multiply, etc.) you are in.

  • New - for starting a new object (default keyboard shortcut Shift-N)
  • Load Group - Tools concerned with loading objects or object layers
  • Save Group - Tools concerned with saving or exporting objects
  • Edit Group - Modeler Preferences and cut, copy, paste functions
  • Help - documentation, bug and feature request reporting and LightWave information
  • Surface Editor - For creating surfacing information for objects
  • Image Editor - For loading and editing images for use in surfacing or modeling
  • Layers Panel - A guide to the layers in your object(s)
  • Statistics Panel - The composition of your object
  • Vertex Map Panel - The vertex maps for your object
  • More Windows - Contains information windows and tools
  • Select - Selection tools