

Last modified: 10 March 2025

GoZ™ support is available in both Modeler and Layout. As with any data interchange there are certain ideal workflow practices to be aware of to achieve the best results. You should prepare geometry with tri and quad polygons only. ZBrush™ also expects one surface name and a single UV map on the object.

Our GoZ implementation is flexible enough to allow you to work in a variety of different ways.

You can begin your model in LightWave Modeler and send to ZBrush to create the UV map and paint your color texture map and generate your displacement and normal maps for the object. Then with a press of the GoZ button in ZBrush you can load the changed model back into Modeler and your shaders will be automatically applied to the object containing all color, displacement, and normal map information. Our LightWave Modeler GoZ implementation allows you to send an Endomorph on your object for further sculpting to ZBrush and back to Modeler. Imagine the facial targets and other effects you can create with this technique.

Alternatively, you could begin the model in ZBrush and use GoZ to send your sculpt to Modeler for more detail, then go back to ZBrush to continue sculpting. You could then send your final result directly to LightWave Layout, again with all the texture, displacement, and normal map shader information automatically set up. In Layout, even your bump displacement will be automatically set up on the object with the bump distance supplied by ZBrush to make it easier for you to get to the render quickly.