2024 Help

Primitive Type - Shape

Creates a primitive shape at the size you choose. The choice of shapes is:

This shape can be textured like any other object, but only exists as a virtual object purely in Layout and saved in the scene file. It can even be used for Bullet.

  • Radius - determines how large the object will be initially and acts as a multiplier for scale values applied to the null.


  • Displacement Height - Controls how far out from the surface a displacement (set in the Node Editor Surface node).

  • Accuracy - Distance multiplier control to deal with primitive edge cases that need smaller marching steps.

  • Object UV - All Primitive shapes have an inherent UV map called Object UV. This can be used as a mapping source in Image nodes. The Image Sampler node doesn't need a Projection to use Object UV, loading the image and attaching it to the input you want on your shape is enough.

Shape Pros and Cons

  • Don't consume memory like geometry

  • Resolution-independent

  • Can be surfaced

  • Can be used for Bullet Dynamics

  • Are saved in the scene file

  • Object UV

  • Only the simple preset shapes supplied (third parties can write others)

  • You can't add FiberFX to primitive shapes

  • Cannot be used for Instancing

  • Slower to render if displaced

  • Since they are based on nulls, most "Object-level" operations won't work (such as the Object ID buffer)

Example - Shape Dynamics

Example - Displacing Primitives

Last modified: 03 October 2024