
Soft Body Dynamics

Last modified: 18 March 2025

Soft Body Dynamics (SoftFX) are used to set physical behavior characteristics and to calculate physical simulations for an object that is intended to have an elastic nature through all or a portion of its volume. Generally a “soft body” maintains its volume, but the shape will vary based on motion and on forces being applied in the scene, including collision with other objects. Some examples:

  1. Jello wiggling on a plate

  2. The Pillsbury Dough Boy’s tummy jiggling as he jumps around

  3. A flat tire flopping as the vehicle comes to a stop

  4. A ball deforming as it bounces on a floor

SoftFX is located in the Dynamics Tab of the Object Properties Panel. Choose Soft from the Add Dynamic drop down list and then follow that by clicking on SoftFX in the dynamics list window to open up the SoftFX options.
