Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
Import: load > load object
Export: save > export > OBJ

- Import/Export
LightWave will now import OBJs using Smoothing Groups and/or vertex color maps. Vertex Color maps need to be added to the surface nodal network with a Vertex Color node.
OBJs textured with image maps or numeric values in other packages will come in textured, but Nodal or procedural textures will not translate in either direction.
Autodesk's Maya™ and Max™ reverse diffuse (Kd) and ambient (Ka), so the default behavior of LightWave now is to Reverse Ka & Kd for OBJ export.

- Preferences (Layout/Modeler)
One Layer - The Object will be loaded in as a single layer.
One VMap - Imports the OBJ with a single VMAP only.
Pivot at Center - Sets the pivot point pn the imported object to the center of the object.
Write Normals - Ensures that the Normal VMAP is written to the object to transfer LightWave normals to other applications.
Merge Points - Merges all points in an OBJ on import.
Reverse Ka Kd - Reverses the texture import for Ambient and Diffuse. Maya and Max will have these reversed by default.
Double Sided - Sets the surfaces to double-sided on import.
Parts - Exports Parts from Modeler.
Foreground layers - Only export the foreground layers from Modeler.
Continuous UV - If you find that textures are being transferred incorrectly, try switching this off in Layout Preferences OBJ Tab or Modeler Preferences OBJ Tab. OBJs exported from LightWave support continuous and discontinuous UV maps.
Smoothing Groups - Exports LightWave normals as smoothing groups for use within other applications (such as Max and Maya).
Remove Hidden - On export, Modeler will remove any hidden geometry.
Import Scale - Allows a default scaling to be applied in Modeler and Layout to any import OBJ.
Export Scale - Sets the export scaling in Modeler.