Distance Tools
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Distance functions drive the iso-surface boundary finding. A simple node showing the sphere primitive shape in an empty volume.

download SDF Sphere.7z
A rounded box derived from http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm

download SDF Rounded Box.7z
Distance Tools
Distance Tools menu heading contains nodes to create or modify distance functions.

download SDF Capsule Compound.7z
The capsule node relies on positional information based on the End A and End B inputs, or two items (nulls were made for the preset) to form each end of the capsule.
The capsule inputs determine:
Position - the location of the capsule shape. Usually the object itself, however, this can be driven by nodes
End A - One end of the capsule shape
End B - Opposite end of the capsule shape
Radius - the radius of the capsule shape
Setting both the end values to 0 will produce a spherical shape.
The attached surface preset available here relies on positional information for two items (nulls were made for this) to form each end of the capsule. The first input is taken from the Input node's World Position, and the Radius is based on a Scalar constant. The attached surface preset merely renames the inputs to make them easier to understand.
A twisted set of a single ring. The inputs determine:
Radius - The overall size of the ring set
Cylinder Radius - The radius of the cylinder that is being twisted
Group Radius - How tightly packed the ring is
Order - How many apparent rings are being twisted together
Twist - The spiraling of each apparent ring
Coil - The spiraling of the total rings
Shape CSG

Takes the Result from two SDF shapes and combines them in the fashion that should be familiar by now -
Union - Combines the two shapes
Intersection - Only leaves the parts of the two shapes that overlap
Subtraction - Removes Shape A from Shape B
The two shapes must be built in the same Empty Volume for Shape CSG to work. At this time, the Capsule and Mobius preset nodes are the only two currently available to work with, but shapes created - such as the spheres above - can also use the Shape CSG node

Will blend between the Results from two SDF shapes with a user-definable radius.

Additional Nodes
You can use a Vector Mod (ulo) for repetition. The initial Empty Volume radius determines how many shapes will fill it. The Vector Mod can be left at 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 and the Scalar will determine the size of the individual shapes

A texture distortion of the above distance field.

Contributed by Richard Feeney