
Distant Light

Last modified: 10 March 2025
Light types distant

A Distant light is somewhat like the light from the sun. Surfaces receive an infinite amount of parallel light rays traveling in the direction that the Distant light points to. Distant lights are handy when you want equal illumination on objects in a scene.

The Distant light replaces the Dome light from previous versions with its ability to set an angle. The default angle of 5.2° will result in soft shadows, as though from sunlight, but the angle can be increased or decreased for sharper shadows. Loading a scene from a previous version of LightWave with a Dome light will see it replaced with a Distant light. Settings will be preserved except mapping, since Distant doesn't currently support it.

Lights screen distant 0 nono
Lights screen distant 3 nono

Lights screen distant 90 nono
Distant light at 0°, 3° and 90° without normalization

Lights screen distant 0
Lights screen distant 3

Lights screen distant 90
Distant light at 0°, 3° and 90° with normalization

The Distant Light behaves a little differently from other LightWave lights, the icon representing it is purely so that it can be controlled by the user - only its rotation is relevant because, in essence, it is very powerful, very big and very far away, like our own sun. Because of this, you may place one Distant light in a scene pointing straight down and all objects in your scene are lit as if from above - in LightWave, the light can be a million meters or one meter above the object. You will see the exact same results on the object. In most cases, you will need only one Distant light in a scene, although you can add more. Generally, you will get more realistic results using multiple types of lights.