
Spot Light

Last modified: 10 March 2025
Light types spotlight

Spotlights behave somewhat like their real world counterparts, sending light out in a specified direction and size. Spotlights are probably have the most uses of any light available to the LightWave animator. Flashlights, car headlights, and searchlights are all good examples of Spotlights.

Light screen spot 0

Light screen spot 500
Spotlight size 0 and .5m

As you might have guessed, a Spotlight can project light onto objects using a cone of light. The size of the cone is determined by the Spotlight Cone Angle and Spot Soft Edge Angle values.

The Spotlight Cone Angle determines the width of the cone of light. It is equal to the angle from the edge of the Spotlight to an imaginary line projecting straight out from the middle of the light source. So a 30° Spotlight Cone Angle actually defines a 60° arc of light.

The Spot Soft Edge Angle determines the width of the falloff zone from the illuminated cone to the Spotlight edge. It is equal to the angle from the Spotlight edge to the line projecting straight out from the spotlight. Within this area, the spotlight slowly fades away to no light, thereby creating a soft edge.


A Spot Soft Edge Angle of 0° creates a Spotlight with a hard edge, while a setting less than or equal to the Spotlight Cone Angle creates a soft-edged light.